IG Followers Tracker
You can see who has unfollowed you and who is not following you back, track new followers, find mutual friends and view fans.
Frequently asked questions
- What IG Followers Tracker can do for me?
With this tool, you can easily find:
1. Don’t Follow Me Back - People who don't follow you back on Instagram.
2. You Don't Follow Back - People you are not following on instagram.
3. Mutual - Mutual followers, people you follow and they follow you back.
4. Recent Unfollowers - People who unfollowed you recently.
5. Following - People you are following on instagram
6. Followers - People who follows your account on instagram
- What is the difference between a Free account and a Pro account?
1. Free account can only track up to 500 followers / following.
2. Paid account can track up to 10000 followers / following.
- How to cancel my subscription?
You can cancel your premium subscription at any time, by clicking the PRO button in the extension popup window, goto Pro panel and manange subscription, you can cancel or update your payment information.